Título | Autor | Ano | Local e Editora | Localização | Link | |
La suggestibilité | Binet, Alfred | 1900 | Paris: Reinwald | BF1156.S8 B612s e.1 |
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/ 11453/11453-h/11453-h.htm |
Art of study | Hinsdale, B. A. | 1900 | Nova York: American Book | LB1049 H665a e.1 |
http://www.archive.org/details/ artstudy00unkngoog |
Essai sur l'imagination créatrice | Ribot, Th | 1900 | Paris: F. Alcan | BF408 R486e 4.ed e.1 |
http://www.archive.org/details/ essaisurlimagin00ribogoog |
Cours de psychologie experimentale sensations et perception. | Sanford, Edmund T. | 1900 | Paris: Librairie C. Reinwald Schleicher Freres | BF181 S224cF e.1 | ||
L'instabilité mentaleessai sur les données de la psycho-pathologie. | Duprat, Guillaume L. | 1899 | Paris: Félix Alcan | RC454 D942i e.1 |
http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/ 12148/bpt6k77203p |
Interest in its relation to pedagogy | Wilhelm Ostermann | 1899 | Nova York: Chicago E.L. Kellogg & Co | LB1051 O85i | ||
Popular scientific lectures |
Mach, Ernst | 1898 | The open court publishing | Coleção Fred Keller |
http://www.archive.org/stream/ popularscientifi00machiala# page/n5/mode/2up |
Mental development and the child and the race | Baldwin, James Mark | 1898 | Nova York: Macmillan | BF721 B181m 2.ed e.1 |
http://www.brocku.ca/MeadProject/ Baldwin/Baldwin_1906/Baldwin_ 1906_toc.html |
Mental development in the child and the race, methods and processes | Baldwin, James Mark | 1897 | Nova York: The Macmillan Co | Coleção Fred Keller - FK6 | ||
Le developpement mental chez l'enfant et dans la race | Baldwin, James Mark | 1897 | Paris: Alcan | BF721 B181mF e.1 |
http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/ bpt6k771758 |
The expression of the emotions in man and animals | Darwin, Charles | 1897 | Nova York: D. Appleton | Coleção Fred Keller - FK31 |
http://www.gutenberg.org/ ebooks/1227 |
Psychology | Dewey, John | 1897 |
Nova York: Harper |
Coleção Fred Keller - FK33 | ||
L'Esprit et le corps | Bain, Alex | 1896 | Paris: Félix Alcan | BF41 B162e 6.ed e.1 | ||
La psychologie des sentiments | Ribot, Th. | 1896 | Paris: Félix Alcan | BF532 R486p 8.ed e.1 |
http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/ bpt6k654204 |
Heath's pedagogical library |
Pestalozzi | 1895 | D. C. Heath e Co. | Coleção Fred Keller | ||
The psychology of attention |
Ribot, Th. | 1894 |
Chicago: The open court publishing |
Coleção Fred Keller | ||
Allucinações e illusões ensaio de psychologia medica | Julio Xavier Matos | 1892 | São Paulo: Teixeira & Irmão | BF65 M444a e.1 | ||
Un lago di sangre | Barbieri, U. | 1892 |
Roma: Establimento Tipografico Di E. Perino |
Coleção Fred Keller | ||
Outlines of psychology | Harald Hoffding | 1892 | Londres: Macmillan and Co | Coleção Fred Keller - FK61 |
http://psychclassics.asu.edu/ Wundt/Outlines/ |
De L'Enseignement des langues anciennes | Bréal, Michel | 1891 | Paris: Hachette | LB1027 B828d e.1 | ||
L'évolution mentale chez l'homme origine des facultés humaine | G.-J. Romanes | 1891 | Paris: Fèlix Alcan | BF455 R758mF e.1 | ||
L'hérédité psychologique | Ribot, Th. | 1890 | Paris: Félix Alcan | QH431 R486h 4.ed e.1 | ||
The principles of psychology | James, William | 1890 | Nova York: Henry Holt and Comp | Coleção Fred Keller - FK69 |
http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/ James/Principles/ |
Animal magnetism | Binet, Alfred | 1888 | Nova York: D. Appleton and Co | Coleção Fred Keller - FK9 | ||
German Psychology of today |
Ribot, Th. | 1886 |
Nova York: Charles Scribner's Sons |
Coleção Fred Keller | ||
The principles of psychology | Spencer, Herbert | 1885 | Nova York: D. Appleton | BF121 S745p v.1 e.1 |
http://www.archive.org/details/ principlesofpsyc022412mbp |
Le rire : essai litteraire, moral et psychologique | Louis Philbert | 1883 | Paris: Germer-Baillère | BF575.L3 P545r e.1 |
http://www.archive.org/details/ lerireessailitt01philgoog |
Principes de psychologie | Spencer, Herbert | 1875 | Paris: Germer Bailliére et Co | BF121 S745pF v.1 | ||
Principes de psychologie | Spencer, Herbert | 1875 | Paris: Germer Bailliére et Co | BF121 S745pF v.2. e. 1. | ||
L'expression des émotions chez l'homme et les animaux | Darwin, Charles | 1874 | Paris: C. Reinwald | Coleção Fred Keller |
http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/ bpt6k772010 |
Fragments of science for unscientific people |
Tyndall |
1871 | Appleton | Coleção Fred Keller |
http://www.archive.org/details/ fragmentsscience00tyndrich |
La solitude | Zimmermann, Johann Georg | 1855 | Paris: Charpentier | BF575.L7 Z73s e.1 |
http://openlibrary.org/books/ OL24146173M/La_solitude |
Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind v. 1 |
Brown, Thomas |
1822 |
Andover: Mark Newman |
Coleção Fred Keller - FK18 |